Kitten Season…. If you spot some kittens that you think might be alone, you want to first determine if the mother has truly abandoned them or if mom is just off getting food. How do you do that? Wait and Observe. ( Be sure to stay out of sight and observe from a distance)… Continue reading Kitten Season is Here!
Tag: feral cats
The case for TNR
Did you know? Removal and killing of outdoor cats is never ending and futile. Colonies that are involved in TNR diminish in size over time. Mating behaviors cease such as; roaming, yowling, spraying and fighting. The cats’ physical health improves. No new kittens! TNR stops the breeding cycle of cats and therefore improves their lives… Continue reading The case for TNR
Abandoned and Confused
We named this very pretty girl “Jazzy”. Jazzy showed up recently at one of our feeding stations. An alert volunteer reported her to our founder so that she could be trapped and spayed. Turns out Jazzy was friendly and already spayed- clearly some unthinking person abandoned her to fend for herself. Thanks to Foundation for… Continue reading Abandoned and Confused
Bully’s Place
We have a very supportive business owner who has welcomed three cats making their homes on their business lot. Bully (grey cat), has lived at this business for many many years now, and Elsa (white/orange girl in back) joined him a few years ago. He took a little while to accept her but they get… Continue reading Bully’s Place
Waddell is one of the many cats that our volunteers look after each day.